Essential OilsBy Elizabeth Rollins, Educator & Wellness Advocate

Ladies, sometimes things CAN be simple! A little dab of this or a little dab of that CAN go a long way.

Question: What can relieve your headaches, energize your strained muscles and soothe your hot flashes? Not sure? Okay, here’s a clue; it’s harvested from the balmy northwest state of Washington and it has antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic and antiviral properties. If you thought of peppermint, you are correct! One more Question: What can lift depression, fight carcinogenic cells, and calm inflammation? If you guessed frankincense, you are correct again. You are on a roll!

doterraNow consider this. How would you like to make-over your medicine cabinet and create a natural home-care plan? Well if you add Lemon, Lavender and Slim & Sassy to your Peppermint and Frankincense collection, you will have an excellent natural remedies foundation of 5 essential oils enabling you to develop your ‘beauti-care and home-care plan’.

  1. Lemon
  2. Lavender
  3. Slim & Sassy
  4. Peppermint
  5. Frankincense
Slim & Sassy

10% off Slim & Sassy in May~ Contact Elizabeth

Today, dōTERRA has made it possible for you to do this by experiencing their ‘Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade’(CPTG) essential oils. CPTG oils are extraordinary because they truly are PURE. There is an intentional absence of fillers, colorings and industry specific contaminants. They say “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”, right?

Recognizing the steady rise in healthcare costs and the uncertain economy, wouldn’t it be wise to supply our families with ‘naturally safe and purely effective’ alternatives for wellness?

do Terra Essential oilsLearn more about dōTERRA’s (CPTG) Essential Oils. Learn about how Lemon EO purifies the liver, how Lavender EO accelerates the skin’s healing and how Slim & Sassy EO Blend consumes calories while normalizing appetite.

Contact Elizabeth:


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