Enjoy our hyper-LOCAL coverage of everything PAYING IT FORWARD in North Delaware, New Castle County.

What’s Happening This Weekend – October!

Chill-tober is rapidly setting in this weekend with evening temps creeping in the 30's! Don't let it bug you. Chill out with NDH hot picks for Friday, October 16th – Sunday, October 17th topped off with campfires, horse shows, zombie apocalypse, #BCAM, film, chili, comedy, and more! NorthDelaWHEREhappening.com has the most happening mix of fall events to fill up [...]

North Delaware’s Top 10 MOVERS & SHAKERS 2015

REVEALED! After many hours of difficult deliberation, the judges have voted. Here are North Delaware’s Top 10 Movers & Shakers of 2015! These LOCALS are making "IT" Happen in North Delaware and beyond - they are trend setters, innovators, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, doers, believers and mentors - making a difference in our community each and every day. Plus, after two weeks of [...]

Meet the Judges: Movers & Shakers 2015

You’ve heard all about North Delaware's biggest Movers & Shakers over the past couple of weeks, but now it’s time to meet the Movers & Shakers BEHIND the Movers & Shakers! These talented judges are busy completing rigorous scoring sheets for each applicant. The sheets will then be tabulated to uncover the Top 10 in Happenings Media markets [...]

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List: 80 Ideas to Enjoy Fall

Love the changing colors, crisp weather and beautiful sunsets that Autumn delivers?  Crave the fall flavors, rich smells, riveting textures? If so, you  may enjoy our Ultimate Fall Bucket List, highlighting 80 of our favorite ways to take advantage of this beautiful season in and around North Delaware, New Castle County. The Ultimate Fall Bucket List is brought to you [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend – October!

Grab your best slicker, funky galoshes and perhaps an sturdy umbrella - Joaquin may be headed our way, or not. Our guess is as good as any, right? Not to fret. There's plenty to do for your first October weekend, rain or shine. Please check for weather related event delays and/or cancellations before you head out. Here's our hot picks [...]

NOMINEES: Who Will Be North Delaware’s Top 10 Movers & Shakers 2015?

Here are the Nominees for the Top 10 2015 Movers & Shakers of North Delaware as nominated by you! These 27 New Castle County residents  are truly making a difference in our community and for some around the nation. Pushing through boundaries. Working towards a profound vision. Passionate about life, shaping the future and making [...]

What’s Happening for the Weekend?

2015 Summer Weekend Grand Finale(technically)! As summer closes and fall swiftly moves in, weekends offer more “Happenings” in North Delaware and slightly beyond than those before. Here’s our top picks for this grand weekend, Friday, Sept. 18th – Sunday, Sept. 20th including Pancakes, Hip Hop, Faeries, Cars, Dinosaurs, Mud Runs and more! NorthDelaWHEREhappening.com has the most happening mix of [...]

Rolling Revolution – Food Trucks Need Us

Food trucks do more than feed people. They bring people, good hardworking people, out of their offices onto the streets. They partner with stores and restaurants in the area to increase business for everyone. Food trucks provide an extra set of eyes on the ground to call in suspicious activity. Food trucks are small businesses, [...]

Labor Day Weekend Guide 2015

This is it! Relax, chill out and celebrate, your Labor Day Weekend Guide has arrived. End your Summer of 2015 on a looooong high note.  Here are our hot picks for What’s Happening and WHERE in and around North Delaware Friday, September 4th through Monday, September 7th. […]

Keep Calm, The POPE Is Coming

Hunker down, North Delaware it may get a 'lil craaaaaaaaazy! We hope you know by now, the. POPE. is. coming. to. Philadelphia. September 26 and 27, 2015 for the spiritually momentous World Meeting of Families via Washington D.C. and New York City. The Papal visit is projecting nearly 1.5 Million visitors to the Phily area and you know [...]