Delaware Hop Scene: Oct 28 – Nov 3

The kids get to Trick-or-Treat on Saturday evening.  And while our little ghouls and goblins sample different candies, we adults get to taste different autumnal brews.  Don't be spooked by one of the many beer events Delaware Hop Scene has on tap for you.  They're not scary, they're fun! is happy to post the [...]

Delaware Hop Scene: October 21-27

We're deep into football season and the Eagles, Ravens, and Blue Hens have yet to reach their full potentials.  How to get your mind off of .500 and sub-.500 teams?  In a word: Beer!  Root for your favorite seasonal brews at one of the many beer events Delaware Hop Scene has on tap for you.  [...]

Delaware Hop Scene: October 14-20

Here we are in mid-October where the air is crisper, the days are shorter, and the leaves are...uh...NOT CHANGING COLOR!  What gives Fall 2015?!?!  Don't try to make sense of it, cleanse your mind at one of the wonderful beer events Delaware Hop Scene has on tap for you. is happy to share the [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend?

It looks like we've hit the weather LOTTO for the weekend. Not sure about you, but we'll take high 60's and Sunny any time of the year. It's safe to say you can make your weekend plans with no weather contingencies. And, have we got some great events for you to choose from. Here's our hot picks [...]

Delaware Hop Scene: October 7-13, 2015

When the five o'clock whistle blows it's often time to ... well ... "wet your whistle" with a cold frosty mug of beer.  It's tradition!  A frothy delicious tradition, right?  Right! We at have paired with Delaware Hop Scene to provide you -- the beer-loving reader -- with fun beer-centric events in the area.  [...]

Fall Festivals 2015

North Delaware’s 2015 Fall Festivals Guide. Celebrate, explore and relish in some of North Delaware’s most happening and infamous LOCAL fall festivals – most rain or shine – in chronological order. From Sleeping Under the Stars to the Harvest Moon Festival and from the Red Shoe & Brew Festival to the Vendemmia da Vinci Wine [...]

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List: 80 Ideas to Enjoy Fall

Love the changing colors, crisp weather and beautiful sunsets that Autumn delivers?  Crave the fall flavors, rich smells, riveting textures? If so, you  may enjoy our Ultimate Fall Bucket List, highlighting 80 of our favorite ways to take advantage of this beautiful season in and around North Delaware, New Castle County. The Ultimate Fall Bucket List is brought to you [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend – October!

Grab your best slicker, funky galoshes and perhaps an sturdy umbrella - Joaquin may be headed our way, or not. Our guess is as good as any, right? Not to fret. There's plenty to do for your first October weekend, rain or shine. Please check for weather related event delays and/or cancellations before you head out. Here's our hot picks [...]

Fall Membership Has Its Benefits

Membership - that feeling of extended family, natural belonging, shared experiences - that place where everyone knows your name and they are always glad you came. Newark Country Club is known around Brandywine Valley not only for having one of the best old-style, championship golf courses in the area but also for having one of the [...]

FREE Coffee on National Coffee Day 9/29

Coffee lovers rejoice! Celebrate National Coffee Day on Tuesday, September 29th with these FREE LOCAL Coffee deals.   FREE Coffee on National Coffee Day on Tuesday, 9/29/15 Stop in any Wawa store for a FREE cup of Wawa Coffee on 9/29 to celebrate National Coffee Day! — Wawa (@Wawa) September 27, 2015   Let [...]