Happening List Blue Carpet Bash!!

In less than 45 days, you managed to send us tens of thousands of votes – response beyond our wildest expectations! Your participation made the 1st Annual 2014 North Delaware Happening List the "Most Happening" people’s choice voting contest centric to New Castle County, North Delaware. Thousands of amazing LOCAL people, places, events, and businesses were nominated across 11 comprehensive [...]

ROCK the VOTE! 2014 Happening List Competition

Now's the time to make it happen! The 1st annual NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com List VOTING competition has officially commenced. We celebrate all of the amazing and most happening people, places, businesses and events that make our North Delaware, New Castle County, communities a unique, Happening place to live. The North DelaWHEREHappening List contest features 11 primary groups and nearly 200 localized [...]