We honor & recognize HAPPENING PEOPLE, native North Delawareans who have achieved Celebrity status – who are making their mark on this great nation. Going above & beyond to push the limits positively influencing our communities near & far, all while honoring their local roots.

Joe Flacco MVP Super Bowl XLVII

LOCAL EYE on Joe Flacco of the Baltimore Ravens and UofD grad – Voted MVP of Super Bowl XLVII in a victory over the San Francisco 49ers, 34-31. ”We gave the country a pretty good game to watch,” Flacco said. Joe became the sixth in 47 Super Bowls to throw for 3 scores in a first half – hold tight. [...]


The Philadelphia Eagles sent out a press release naming Chip Kelly the Eagles 21st head coach in the franchise’s History. Chip Kelly is known for possessing strong leadership skills and one of the most innovative minds in football today. We want to know what you think North Delaware…we know you have an opinion!  With only 30 miles [...]

And the Nominees Are…

85th Academy Awards Nominations Hosted by Seth MacFarlane Broadcast Live on ABC  Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 @ 7pm Relive the 2012 Nominations Announced Thursday, January 10th, 2013     Meet Luke Matheny, 2011 Oscar Winner from Wilmington, Delaware receiving the Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film for God of Love. At the start of his [...]

2012 Best Memories | North DelaWHERE Happening

Stroll down memory lane with us and view some of our Most Popular and Best Memories of 2012. What an incredible and busy year 2012 was for NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com(NDH). We not only celebrated our 1st Birthday along with Delaware's 225th but we also covered more than 385 events in and around New Castle County from North Wilmington to Smyrna, Delaware City to Hockessin and [...]

Photo Recap | It’s Good To Be 1st NDH Birthday Bash

We want to thank everyone who turned out BLUE for our 1st NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com Birthday Bash & Delaware's 225th! What a fabulous Celebration! We are so thankful to have such wonderful fans, friends and family supporting us! You are truly what NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com is ALL about! Thanks for making our 1st Birthday Bash EXTRAspecial! Now GO check out the photos!  Click on the photos [...]

Giving Thanks: Adoption

  November is National Adoption Awareness Month and that is what I’m currently most grateful for. I am so humbled and honored to have been a child of adoption. My childhood social worker said I was raised in a den of vipers.  She was right!  I survived several attempts on my life & being sexually assault by [...]


#GivingTuesday is a nationwide call to action that began as a simple idea - A day for giving thanks to those organizations that give so much every day. Giving of self - the true meaning of the Holiday Season.  It's the thought that counts most, not the gift.  Materially, we have three days for getting great holiday deals - Black Friday, Small [...]