Fun for the entire family!

Valentine’s Day Play Date

I was so excited when I saw this and think it's just about the coolest idea ever.  Parents there's no need to feel guilty for having a date night this Valentine's Day Weekend & the cost is on par with a babysitter!  From 6-9pm on Friday Night, February 14th, the DCM will be opeing its doors to [...]

DAM | IT’S FREE on Sundays

Relax, we're not cursing. We just get so excited when we can share FREE experience opportunties expecially those that are cuturally uplifting. DAM has Sunday Fundays! The Delaware Art Museum(DAM) offers FREE admission to all visitors on Sundays from Noon – 4:00 p.m. The admission fee is waived  thanks to generous support from Jessie Ball duPont Fund. Silver Screen Sundays January [...]

Wilmington’s Finest Ice Hockey Game to Benefit the B+ Foundation

WILMINGTON POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENTS ANNOUNCE 1ST ANNUAL WILMINGTON'S FINEST ICE HOCKEY GAME On Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 5:30 p.m., the Wilmington Police and Fire Departments will play their 1st annual Wilmington’s Finest Ice Hockey game in support of the B+ Foundation. The B+ Foundation was founded after Salesianum High School student, Andrew McDonough, passed [...]

Thanksgiving: Feast without the Fuss

Hard to believe Thanksgiving 2012 is right around the corner, right? So you have the turkey but what about the trimmings? Sullivan’s Steakhouse is here to take the guesswork and grunt work out of what to serve alongside the bird. Patrons can stop by Sullivan’s in Wilmington at 5525 Concord Pike on Thanksgiving Eve – Yes Wednesday! – to [...]

2012 Holiday Parade & Tree Lighting Festivities

From Smyrna to Wilmington, North Delaware is host to many community parades and tree lightings throughout the 2012 Holiday season.  Check out our LOCAL listing and join the Holiday fun and excitement. Who doesn’t love a Parade? Spectators and participants alike! Afterall, Parades are one of the oldest types of civic and cultural celebrations in the United [...]

NDH D4C Making Strides Team Dash 4 the Cure raised more than $2,600 and ranked #24 of 346 teams on Sunday, October 21st in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides 5k Walk to Fight Breast Cancer on the Wilmington Riverfront. Meet the Team! Proudly, we embraced our "Fight Like A Girl" custom T-shirts - 26 LOCAL men, women and children. walked and 15 raised funds.  A [...]

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk & Run | Wilmington

Every Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk is a powerful and inspiring opportunity to unite as a community to honor breast cancer survivors, raise awareness about steps we can take to reduce our risk of getting breast cancer, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease with breast cancer research, information [...]