Autumnal Decorations You Can Make Yourself!
I learned everything I know from Pinterest & you can too. These ideas are easy and can be as inexpensive as you choose. To keep your cost low I would suggest looking to your local “Dollar Store” for a lot of the items then throw in a few things from your LOCAL produce stand & you’ll be set. If you’re a “Dollar Store Snob” then you may choose to find the missing pieces of the puzzle at your local “Michaels”, ” AC Moore” or specialty shop.
Wow, really? This looks fantastic and I know that you can pull this off. All you need are some glass votive candle holders, pilar candles, kernals of corn, a few silk leaves and some twine. I would suggest however, that you tie the leaves on the outside of the glass or place the candle in a smaller glass 1st (glass votive inside glass votive effect) to keep the risk of fire down.
I bet your head is whirling with all sorts or ideas about now! NDH would love to see what you come up with, so please share your pictures and ideas and we’ll pass them along. Check back often for more Make it Yourself Fall/Halloween Decorations.

Carve a whole in the top of a miniature pumpkin, insert candle and add a little decoration and voila…
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