Grand Slam Blue Rocks JUNE Happening Guide

June is indeed an All-Star GRAND SLAM delivering 12 more BLUE ROCKing home events including the infamous Cowboy Rodeo, Johnny Damon #18 Jersey Retirement, Elvis Night, Dog Days of Summer Dog Bowl and the California League/Carolina League All-Star Hitting Challenge and Game.  Our Wilmington Blue Rocks are holding strong stats-wise – entering June in close 3rd in the Carolina [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend North Delaware?

Your Fabulous  weekend guide for Friday, June 6th - Sunday, June 8th. delivers the most happening events for adults, families and kids.  From the Greek Festival to the Italian Festival and the Outdoor music events to the Art Loop, there's plenty here to entertain any foodie, outdoor lover or music fan. Get the most [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend North Delaware?

Your Fabulous Memorial Day weekend guide for Friday, May 23rd  - Monday, May 26th.  Don't say there's nothing to do around here,  all you need to do is to check out for the most happening events for adults, families and kids.  From Opera to Rockabilly and Baseball to a Car Show, you don't get [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend North Delaware?

Your Fabulous weekend guide for Friday, May 16  - Sunday, May 18th.  Don't say there's nothing to do around here,  all you need to do is to check out for the most happening events for adults, families and kids.  If you like art, theater, the outdoors, music, gardening or tailgating we've got you covered. [...]

Happening List Blue Carpet Bash!!

In less than 45 days, you managed to send us tens of thousands of votes – response beyond our wildest expectations! Your participation made the 1st Annual 2014 North Delaware Happening List the "Most Happening" people’s choice voting contest centric to New Castle County, North Delaware. Thousands of amazing LOCAL people, places, events, and businesses were nominated across 11 comprehensive [...]

Mother’s Day #SelfieWithMomNDH Instagram Photo Contest

Celebrate Mom the new age way! Are you obsessed with taking #Selfie shots since the Oscars? Love #Hashtags? Make great use of your time on this special day without getting in trouble for mulit-tasking. Share a #SelfieWithMomNDH on Instagram, and tell us why she deserves to 2 tickets to the MidAtlantic Wine + Food Festival Sunday Gospel BRUNCH [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend North Delaware?

Your Fabulous weekend guide for Friday, May 9  - Sunday, May 11th.  Don't say there's nothing to do around here,  all you need to do is to check out for the most happening events for adults, families and kids.  If you like art, theater, the outdoors, music, gardening or tailgating we've got you covered. [...]

Help Stamp Out Hunger Saturday, May 10th

On Saturday, May 10th, 2014, 175,000 of the National Association of Mail Carriers across the US will be collecting food for families in need. Now in its 22nd year, the Food Drive effort is the nation's largest single-day drive. In 2013, 74.4 million pounds of food was collected, which brought the grand total of donations to just [...]

10+ Spring Festivals You Won’t Want to Miss!

Spring is in the air(finally).  Time to get up & out and enjoy this fabulous weather and some of the North Delaware’s most favorite and famous, world-class, all-star LOCAL spring festivals – most are rain or shine. This happening list is jammed packed and conveniently presented for you in chronological order. From horses, flowers, cycling, food, wine, baseball, [...]

Our Top 10 Picks for the MidAtlantic Wine + Food Festival

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a HUGE, HAPPENING Wine + Food Festival May 14-18.  50 events + 20 fascinating food, beer + wine related educational courses.  4 days of international, national, regional and local food and wine excellence with 90+ chefs and 20+ winemakers from 6 continents – all creating one unforgettable weekend.   Each [...]