I’m A Millionaire! -Denise Michelle Sisofo I’m Thankful for… SECOND CHANCES  By: Denise Michelle Sisofo I am thankful for second chances.  5 years ago I suffered a breakdown… mental and emotional… the details and the why are not important. What is important is that I was given the love, help & understanding from friends and [...]


A Story of Hope, Courage, Strength and Inspiration | Kathleen Crumlish-Giorgianni Figabella Mom & Gia, Smile.By Kathleen Crumlish-Giorgianni During October, provided an important opportunity to highlight one of the most critical health issues impacting women around the globe and North Delaware – Breast Cancer. A time to reflect on past accomplishments, to recognize [...]


 A Life Long Journey of Self Discovery & Joy… THANK YOU YOGA! By Maria DiCamillo There are many things in my life for which I am thankful, and one of the most significant is the opportunity to be a student of yoga and to teach yoga to many people in my community. Yoga is personal [...]

NDH D4C Making Strides Team Dash 4 the Cure raised more than $2,600 and ranked #24 of 346 teams on Sunday, October 21st in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides 5k Walk to Fight Breast Cancer on the Wilmington Riverfront. Meet the Team! Proudly, we embraced our "Fight Like A Girl" custom T-shirts - 26 LOCAL men, women and children. walked and 15 raised funds.  A [...]

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk & Run | Wilmington

Every Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk is a powerful and inspiring opportunity to unite as a community to honor breast cancer survivors, raise awareness about steps we can take to reduce our risk of getting breast cancer, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease with breast cancer research, information [...]

The Ultimate PINK Fight!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month It’s that time of the year where the Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon and the color PINK begin infiltrating our everyday both online and offline – in restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, even hardware stores and football – some promising to donate a portion of the proceeds, others building awareness and early detection [...]

Delaware’s Dirtiest 5K

Who doesn't like to get down and dirty? In mud, that is. A chance to squish, climb, crawl, slip and slide...into the mirky, filthy, stinky mud puddles South of the Canal in Delaware. Leave your dignity and grace at the start line. "It's intimidating at first" says Monica Pammer, a local amateur mudder, "but then you look [...]