Got friggatriskaidekaphobia?

Happy Friday the 13th! Are you supersticious? Do you fear Friday the 13ths? Did you know that Fear of Friday the 13th — one of the most popular myths in science — is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13. No fear this is the last Friday the 13th in [...]

Calling all Cell Yellers

Whether conventional or smart, cell phones can be just as annoying as pleasing.  Heck the days of day dreaming have become filled with cell phone gazers. You know those that sit and wait for the cell to boil, I mean ring. At concerts, the days of lighters & cameras flickering are long gone – 2012 concerts are host to cell [...]

You Scream, I Scream…

We all Scream for Ice Cream!  I’m so excited to report the return of Delaware’s Biggest picnic starring “Ice Cream”.  The Ice Cream Festival @ Rockwood is back this 4th of July Weekend & I can’t think of a better way to beat the heat than with some of the area’s best ice cream.  Imagine, [...]

Be Independent Contest!

Let’s get fired up for the 4th! In celebration of Independence Day 2012, is giving you a chance to show your patriotism & WIN! Baseball, hotdogs, popcorn, fireworks, doesn’t get much better than this! HOW TO ENTER! It’s simple…Answer these 2 questions correctly and WIN 2 front line TIX to the Blue Rocks Independence Day Celebration [...]

Local Harvest | Farmer’s Markets

As we wrap up June, what better way to celebrate – without guilt or remorse – June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month! So much so, we thought it most appropriate to spotlight some of the great, open-air, fresh and LOCAL Harvests.  Those scrumptious Farmer’s Markets in North Delaware! Indulge. Real food. Real LOCAL.     […]

Million $ Man @ Moodswings

  “Shady” All Pro Running Back for the Eagles, LeSean “Shady” McCoy,  is heading south Thursday Night, June 28th. He’ll be making an appearance at Moodswings Nightclub and Lounge, in Wilmington, DE.  Shady, a nickname given to him by his mother, on account of his “shady” attitude, will be raffling off autographed items & providing a photo opportunity for [...]

Red, White & BOOM!

How are you celebrating Independence Day 2012? July 4th, undoubtedly is the most patriotic celebration of the year no matter where you plant your sweet red, white & blue feet. A day when every American stops to celebrate their independence, appreciate their freedoms and display their admiration of the USA with fireworks, parades, BBQs, baseball, festivals, picnics, concerts, family & friends. [...]

Summer Solstice

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | Summer Solstice A Celebration of the Sun!  Woohoo! Finally…Wednesday is the 1st official day of Summer! Sometimes referred to as “Midsummer” Litha” – this is the longest day of the year and the shortest night.  More than 15 hours of sunlight. The sun is the highest it ever gets in the [...]

Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Be the Change ~ Inspire | Encourage | Share  What a LOCAL empowering week this has been – watching a dear friend suffer from the sunset of breast cancer slowly taking her mother after a 15 year battle; experiencing the donation of a fully furnished mortgage free home to a deserving Military Veteran; gaining appreciation for marine life, food chains, [...]

All that JAZZ

    There’s no chance of getting bored IN Wilmington this summer, because when one Festival Ends another Begins.  The Clifford Brown Jazz Festival begins Monday June 18th and runs through Sunday, June 24th. This festival began in 1989 in an effort to honor the late Wilmington Trumpetier, Clifford Brown.  Since then it has grown [...]