Recycle Electronics DelawareAre you training to be a lean mean GREEN machine?  Running for president of the Green Society? Take pride in keeping your home and community safe? Well read on…we’ve got green events to help you get your recycle fix. Don’t worry, the list of acceptable items these days is immense from TVs to paperclips. You’re bound to find something to donate to the great green authority.

The Delaware Solid Waste Authority(DSWA) is host to several special collection events throughout North Delaware – including household hazardous waste collection, electronic goods recycling and paper shredding. Below you will find details on what is accepted at each collection plus a schedule of 2013 LOCAL events. Why waste when you can recycle?

Shred & Recycle Events Delaware DSWAAcceptable Items

  • Household Hazardous Waste – Product containers marked with words, “Warning: Hazardous,” “Flammable,” “Poisonous,” “Corrosive” or “Explosive.” For example; household cleaners, garden pesticides, oil-based paints only (no latex paint will be accepted), nail polish, fluorescent bulbs, or antifreeze.
  • Electronic Goods Recycling – Electronic Equipment such as, old computers, printers, CD players, microwaves, telephones, televisions, game boys, fax machines, answering machines, and VCRs.
  • Paper Shredding – Residents can bring up to 2 file boxes of personal confidential papers for shredding (financial and legal documents, receipts, and tax and medical records). Papers with staples or paper clips are accepted.


Helpful Tips from Trash Can DanTrash Can Dan DSWA

  1. Bring materials in original, sealed containers.
  2. Do not mix products in one container.
  3. To prevent leakage or breakage, pack separately in absorbent material or triple bag.
  4. Bring rags to clean up any spills, and dispose of rags at the collection site.


Events in North Delaware

All Event times are 8am to 4pm – Household Hazardous Waste/Electronic Goods/Paper Shredding

  • March 2   Frawley Stadium Parking Lot (Blue Rocks) 801 S. Madison St, Wilmington
  • April 6      Pine Tree Corners Transfer Station, 276 Pine Tree Rd, Townsend
  • July 6       St. Anne’s Episcopal School, 211 Silver Lake Rd, Middletown
  • Sept 7      Univ of DE (Former Chrysler Plant) 550 S. College Ave, Newark
  • Oct 5        Blue Rocks Stadium Parking Lot, 801 S. Madison St, Wilmington
  • Dec 7       Univ of DE (Former Chrysler Plant) 550 S. College Ave, Newark

All events are restricted to Delaware residents and are held rain or shine

