What’s Happening This Weekend- March 4-6

Say it isn't SNOW!  Well, at least the impending snow gives US and the NEWS something to talk about- other than you know who and you know what (wink, wink). We are ready to escape the TV, and the campaign madness if only for the weekend. We know you have to be feeling the same [...]

Heart of the Home® Kitchen Tour

Heart of the Home® Kitchen Tour to Showcase Distinct Kitchens and  a Taste of the Region’s Best Cuisine Design aficionados, foodies, and ladies looking for their next girls’ day out are marking their calendars for April 9, when The Junior League of Wilmington will hold its 11th Heart of the Home® Kitchen Tour. The daylong [...]

Shazaam! Please VOTE 4 NDH

Nominated for 2 DSBC Blue Ribbon Awards Serendipity repeats. Please vote for NDH! Take a break from the Presidential election heat and root for the locals. We are thrilled - wait better yet ecstatic - and graciously accept our second year as a Delaware Small Business nominee. This year, our hyper-local community magazine has received [...]

Craft Beer Scene: March 2 – 8

It is said that March comes "in like a lion, out like a lamb."  We at Delaware Hop Scene and NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com believe everyone should welcome March with a delicious beer (or two).  NDH and DHS have found you the best craft beer events to help you ROAR into March.  Check out the hoplights for Wednesday, March 2nd through Tuesday, [...]

Blue Carpet Bash Gets Uptown FunkY!

THIS is what happens when you put North Delaware's Most Happening together in one club. It gets uptown blue and funkY! Don't believe me just watch(come on). Yes, we’re milking it (again). Who wouldn’t with a sold out 2nd Annual Happening List BASH that topped the charts? It’s a sweeeeeeet 3+ minutes of behind the scenes blue carpet-style footage(GRAMMY-ish) [...]

What’s Happening This Weekend -Feb 26-28

Got Plans? The weekend is heading your way, and fast... Get in on the action, it's not too late. You're only lucky duck- we've done all the work for you and here's our top picks for this weekend, Friday, February 26 - Sunday, February 28! From Wilmington's Black Film Festival to 87er's Basketball action and [...]

Craft Beer Scene: February 24 through March 1

Is it still Winter?  Didn't the groundhog predict an early Spring?  What exactly is Mother Nature doing to us?!  In these times of doubt, turn to beer.  Delaware Hop Scene and NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com have found you the best craft beer events this Leap Year Week.  Check out the hoplights for Wednesday, February 24th through Tuesday, March [...]

What’s Happening this Weekend- Feb 19-21

Better days are coming...they are called Saturday and Sunday! So true, right? Wouldn't it be great if we only had to work two days and the other 5 days could be spent having fun and making memories? Since that's not the case, we do our best to "Shine a Light" on the hottest events each [...]

Share the Local Love!

Share the local love! Did you know that you can keep in touch with us on 4 social media outlets? So let’s get social! Like us, tweet us, instagram us, pin us – we want to hear from you! Help us spread the Local Happening Love. Together, let's make this wickedly contagious. Share the Love! Meet us on Facebook, where we post daily [...]

What’s Happening This Bi-Holiday Weekend?

One weekend, two holidays, three exciting days filled with hearts and flowers and the good ole red, white and blue. Whether you're looking to celebrate Valentine's Day, President's Day or that extra day off, you came to the right place! Our calendar is loaded and we made our top picks for Friday, February 12 - [...]