Stroll down memory lane with us and view some of our Most Popular and Best Memories of 2012.
What an incredible and busy year 2012 was for We not only celebrated our 1st Birthday along with Delaware’s 225th but we also covered more than 385 events in and around New Castle County from North Wilmington to Smyrna, Delaware City to Hockessin and so many places in between and even beyond. What’s more, we posted 560 happenings articles about EVERYTHING North Delaware – people, events, restaurants, organizations, places, etc. Equally exciting, we hosted a couple of our very first NDH special events where we got to meet YOU, our viewers and fans.
First, we need THANK YOU for your support of We’ve worked hard this year to share with you everything that we think makes North Delaware a vibrant place to live and visit. Our online hyper-LOCAL magazine is about lifestyle – there’s no crime, religion or politics(well maybe some politics but in fun) – our ultimate goal is to enrich and enlighten your lives and our own. And so grateful and proud are we of each and every one of you, our viewers and fans. You are the very essence of our online existence. You bring smiles to our every day via your visits, likes, shares, tweets, retweets, pins and comments.
In 2013 with your support, we look forward to making all our LOCAL connections even stronger — socially, culturally, physically, emotionally, and economically – by delivering rich, interactive and engaging content in and about our communities. Here’s wishing you, your families and all our North Delaware neighbors, peace, happiness and prosperity in the new year. Come back often now ya’ hear!
#1. Oh Sandy | Delaware Beaches Storm Photo Recap
- Delaware Beach Photos taken by Locals
2012 Summer Olympics – Andrew Gemmell
LOCAL LOOK | One to watch!
#3. The Faucher Family Christmas House
- One Million lights!
Calling ALL LOCAL Artists
Graphic Designers, Painters, Photographers, Cartoonists etc…
Good Golly Miss Molly
Introducing: Molly Malloy.Appearance on the Dr. Oz “Hungry Girl” episodes.
Eatin’ Hot Fat Blue Crabs
GOT CRABS? | How to Eat Hot Fat Blue Crabs 101 | LOCAL Crab Houses

Ed Lavelle | Making Waves from Coast 2 Coast
He’s done and is doing it all from waiting tables to acting and now Producing!
Beach Road Trip!
The Top 4 LOCAL Southern Delaware Road Trip Picks.
Thank YOU X 6!
We are very appreciative – can you tell?
5 Golf Tips | Fore the FUN of it!
Have a tee time up & coming? Tips from our LOCAL GOTO Guy, Vincent Fiorelli.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk & Run | Wilmington
Every Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk is a powerful and inspiring opportunity to unite as a community to honor breast cancer survivors…
Sandy Cams(Hurricane Sandy)
Want some of the best LOCAL views of Hurricane Sandy without all the dramatic commentary?
“Is Your House on Fire…Clark?”
Do you aspire to be your neighbor’s Clark Griswold??
NDH 1st Birthday Bash – It’s good to be first!
- 365 Days live on the world wide web celebrated on 12/7/12
- 560 Articles posted about North Delaware and beyond
- 385 Events shared on the NDH Event Calendar
- 1312 Facebook Fans @North DelaWHERE Happening
- 298 Twitter Fans @NDelaWHEREHapp
- Our digital magazine is your FREE source for everything happening in New Castle County, North Delaware. Enjoy our real-time hyper-LOCAL coverage of restaurants, events, people, places and everything else fun & exciting in the area. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest; join in the conversation, enter contests, enter events(DIY) and be the first to know what’s happening and where in North Delaware!
- Produced by LOCALS, for LOCALS, about the LOCAL area.
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