All that a SHE wants, needs & does!

The Ultimate PINK Fight!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month It’s that time of the year where the Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon and the color PINK begin infiltrating our everyday both online and offline – in restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, even hardware stores and football - some promising to donate a portion of the proceeds, others building awareness and early detection [...]

What’s Happening this Weekend in North Delaware?

Your Fabulous weekend guide for Friday, Oct 18th - Sunday, Oct 20th from NDH's hottest picks of what's happening and WHERE all over North Delaware, from Townsend to Wilmington - The Musical of Musicals, Annie, Cross Country Run & Fun Walk,  Delaware Pride Festival, Hagley Craft Fair, Red Shoe & Brew, Haunts & Hops and the fun doesn't stop there. The weekend guide offers [...]

10 FALL Festivals You Won’t Want to Miss!

North Delaware's 2013 Festive Fall Guide. Celebrate, explore and relish in some of North Delaware’s most happening and infamous LOCAL fall festivals – most rain or shine – in chronological order. From Nascar and ROCKfest to Fringe, Fright and Harvest Moons, there’s indeed a festival here for everyone. Mark your calendars and bookmark this page! Want more? Check out's event calendar 24/7. - [...]

The Chase is On! Nascar is BACK in Dover

Fans from all over the East Coast will head this weekend to the home of the Monster Mile. Nascar Action returns to Dover International Speedway this weekend, September 27th-29th ! High speed fun for everyone in the Capitol City! The Chase is on in the First State as another tripleheader weekend of NASCAR action returns! The 3rd [...]

27th Annual Delaware Coastal Cleanup – Volunteers Needed!

Trash on our local beaches and in our waterways isn’t just unsightly – it’s also potentially dangerous to marine life and in some cases harmful to water quality. You can help make a local difference and pay it forward in Delaware by joining volunteers of all ages at the 27th annual Delaware Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, Sept. [...]

Fall Delaware Home & Garden Show

"Inspire, Inform, Engage... Changing what's expected."  Creative ideas for your home & garden projects. It’s that time of year again…leaves are dropping, mums are blooming, hammers are knocking, pumpkins are collecting, DIY projects are waiting and honey-do lists are lengthening! Looking for some great ideas for fall home and garden projects? This is the place for you! The Delaware [...]

FIRE Up the Grill for a Rip Roaring BBQ

Ready to fire up that grill and invite the BFFs over for some BBQing fun? Whether you are a self-proclaimed grill master or a timid first timer, preparing for fun and yum doesn't have to be trying. Break out that gigantic spatula, fire up that grill and get ready to spend a lazy afternoon relaxing with friends. Labor Day is right around [...]

Fond Farewell to Charlie!

“I never quit nothing and I did not resign” Charlie Manuel at his final press conference in Philadelphia on Friday. Honored we hear with a standing Ovation leaving Maggianos Restaurant in Philly the same very evening.  Standing tall. One of the best managers in franchise history. 780-636 in 9 seasons as Phillies Manager and won five straight NL East titles from [...]

Big Wheel Races For Breast Cancer

PINK WEEKEND In Dewey Beach! On Saturday August 17, Dewey Beach and the Starboard Restaurant will be decked out in pink costumes–and so will the tricycles that are participating the Big Wheels Race! It’s the hottest, pinkest race on three wheels, and all for a good cause. People decorate their trikes in pink, many going [...]

DIY: Shoo Fly Shoo!

Got Flies? Clear zip lock baggies are a hot pest diversion these days <what huh?>. Yep, we've seen them randomly placed around town especially at the beach particularly in outside local eating seating venues. The baggies we experienced were about half filled with water and each contained pennies, most zipped shut, hanging haphazardly by fish line or stapled to wood posts. Initially we thought, CuCkOo.  But of course, [...]