All that a SHE wants, needs & does!

What’s Happening this Weekend in North Delaware

Weekends in North Delaware are Happening! Check out our fabulous weekend guide for Friday, June 7th thru Sunday, June 9th. There’s something for everyone here including some of the best events happening in North Delaware, New Castle County. Don’t let Tropical Storm Andrea keep you down…Friday includes rain but Woah Saturday & Sunday look beautiful 80’s and partly [...]

Start Your Engines | Nascar is Back in Delaware!

Fans from all over the East Coast will head this weekend to the home of the Monster Mile. So be prepared for traffic, if you are headed anywhere near Dover, our Capital City.  Race weekend in Delaware isn’t just about racing…it’s about community and a collection of the best sports fans in the world coming together for a weekend-long [...]

5 Road Trip Essentials

Whether a day trip or weekend - if you are hitting the open road, there are items you just shouldn’t forget to bring –"the must-haves". Screen – Sunscreen & Bug Screen – Bring it or you’ll have to buy it probably at double the price. Direct Connection — Smart/Cell phone/Ipad & don’t forget your CHARGERS! Quarters  [...]

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2013

Today, we honor all Military spouses of those who serve, be it in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard – we recognize and sincerely appreciate what a powerful difference spouses make in the lives of our servicemembers. Your courage, strength, sacrifices and fortitude should never go unrecognized. All our gratitude and respect from us and [...]

8 Spring Festivals You Don’t Want to Miss!

Spring is in full force.  Time to get out and enjoy this fabulous weather and some of the North Delaware’s most favorite and famous LOCAL spring festivals – rain or shine – in chronological order. From flowers and cycling to food, rides and music, there’s indeed something here for everyone. Mark your calendars! […]

Hometown Military Hero: Nathan Anderson Sergeant DNG 153rd MPC

We honor Hometown Hero, Nathan Anderson, a 22 year old Sergeant from New Castle in the Delaware Army National Guard’s 153rd Military Police Company. Thank you Nathan and to ALL who have dedicated your lives to protecting our American freedom! […]

Not Everything Must BeTAXing: Discounts & FREEbies

TAX DAY - Monday, April 15, 2013 Mondays are not so glorious, are they? And there's one this month that's even less so - April 15th. That dreadful day when numbers just scramble and twist in your brain and so might your nerves, if you've procrastinated like 25% of Americans who wait until the last two weeks [...]

Easy April Fools Day Jokes

Happy April Fools Day! A celebrated day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on one another. The only day of the year you can get away with playing jokes on just about anyone and get away with it. Young or old, here are a few easy and harmless options, if your struggling to get a quick giggle today. [...]