All that a SHE wants, needs & does!

Joe Flacco MVP Super Bowl XLVII

LOCAL EYE on Joe Flacco of the Baltimore Ravens and UofD grad – Voted MVP of Super Bowl XLVII in a victory over the San Francisco 49ers, 34-31. ”We gave the country a pretty good game to watch,” Flacco said. Joe became the sixth in 47 Super Bowls to throw for 3 scores in a first half – hold tight. [...]

Meet Me at the Water Cooler RE: Super Sunday

Need a little water cooler chat for the Big Sunday Game? This IS your best food for thought this week…the good, the bad and the ugly. The Best of – UofD’s Joe Flacco and Gino Gradkowski, Half Time Show, Trending Twitter Tags, N’awlins Geaux Green, and more. Take what you need, leave what you don’t. You might want to book [...]


MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME... 4 AMAZING & DELISH GIFT CARDS! IRON HILL BREWERY Purchase $75 - Get $20. Stop in to your LOCAL Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant and pick up a gift card! For every $75 you purchase in gift cards this holiday season, you will get a $20 bonus card for yourself! With ten(10) locations [...]


MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME…. 5 GREY GOOSE Vodka Flavors GIVE AND ENJOY THE BEST this holiday season with GREY GOOSE, the World’s Best Tasting Vodka. Be the hit of the party, or bring a gift to the exchange that all your friends will fight for. With so many tasty flavors, which will you choose? Choose [...]


My True Love Gave to Me... 11 Delaware Lottery Tickets! Who doesn't love CASH or the CASH equivalent? Just the anticipation and excitement that you COULD be a winner is gift enough. Best thing is Delaware Lottery Tickets are good for anyone and everyone over 18 years old - think mailman, trashman, hair dresser, dentist, doorman, security guard, waiter, coworkers, party host, [...]

Ready, Set, Click | Cyber Monday Deals

Cyber Monday, November 26, 2012 Deals, deals and more deals are literally every where on the world wide web. Overwhelming isn’t it? So where do you even begin? Grab your coffee, charge all your devices, grab a comfy seat and will do the rest for you!   We’ve done a little homework, gathered some of our favorite Cyber [...]

Thanksgiving: Feast without the Fuss

Hard to believe Thanksgiving 2012 is right around the corner, right? So you have the turkey but what about the trimmings? Sullivan’s Steakhouse is here to take the guesswork and grunt work out of what to serve alongside the bird. Patrons can stop by Sullivan’s in Wilmington at 5525 Concord Pike on Thanksgiving Eve – Yes Wednesday! – to [...]

Holiday Shopping Guide: Black Friday Tips

As grocery stores are stocking their shelves to prepare for the Thanksgiving rush, retailers across North Delaware are preparing for Black Friday - a day for huge savings if you plan correctly. Black Friday rookies: review these helpful hints to surviving the day before you head out to the Concord or Christiana Malls or any [...]