All that a SHE wants, needs & does!

Help Your Kids Become Movers and Shakers: The benefits of a dance education

Kids are natural movers from the time they first sit up, roll over, crawl, and take their first steps. They express happiness by jumping up and down or clapping their hands, and anger by stomping around. They hop, jump, skip, run, and spin around because it makes them feel good. Why not nurture this innate [...]

EXTRA~ordinary Delaware Women!

YWCA Delaware 2012 Evening of Style   Friday, March 9, 2012 6:30pm This is the place to celebrate EXTRAordinary Women  in our community! Within every woman there lies power, style and brilliance.  YWCA Delaware’s 7th Annual Evening of Style celebrates women in our LOCAL community who exemplify these characteristics and inspire other women to embrace their [...]

RED HOT ~ Enter to Win A Dozen Roses!

Win One Dozen FREE Roses… color of your choice in time for Valentine’s Day from Bloomsberry Flowers! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love is in the air! Enter to Win a Dozen Roses for your sweetheart – wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, sister, secret admire or yourself! You will be thrilled with a [...]

Wear RED Day!

NDH Celebrates National Wear Red Day® Feb 3rd with The Heart Truth®! Grab your RED hat, scarf, shirt, pants, belt, earrings…whatever Red you have and show your support! Although significant progress has been made in increasing awareness among women that heart disease is their #1 killer, most women fail to make the connection between heart disease risk [...]

SUPER BOWL XLVI – Early Lineup

BUILD UP TO INDY ~ Change is a constant… and MY how times are a changing! Christmas starts at Halloween…Valentine’s Day starts at Christmas and NOW Superbowl commercials air a week before the BIG GAME? What’s next…is the Easter Bunny coming to New Year’s Eve? We ask…is anything sacred or surprising anymore? And no…We are not confused with FUTBOL…the DB photo is a [...]

SUPER BOWL XLVI – Game Day Recipes

FINGER FOODS THAT SCORE! What are you fixin’? Loading up on Crowd pleasing finger foods or are you going Emeril style?  Appetizers, Snacks, Starters, Quick Hits, Nibbles, Hors d’oeuvre, whatever you call them…we want to know.  Share your recipes with NDH! We will post them for all to see and share.  Help us build our interactive menu! Afterall… FOOD [...]

Bridal Gowns For Breast Cancer

Friday March 2nd thru Sunday March 4th Proceeds benefit the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition! Imagine 100’s of designer and couture bridal gowns valued up to $20,ooo on sale for a fraction of their cost. Some will be priced as low as $100.  Yes, I said $100!  I think I’m going to buy one and I’m not [...]