It’s weekends like that this that make you want to twirl in park, makes wishes while having a picnic and enjoying the sunshine. Aside from that, there’s a great many things to do this weekend, inside and out. Check out our top event picks for the weekend: Friday, August 5- Sunday, August 7. From the Big Wheel Races for Breast Cancer to a Night at the Museum and from Inspire Lot Series to a Cuban BBQ Dinner, there’s plenty to keep you on the move this weekend!
Remember, this is just a TEASE, check out a full listing of events on the calendar of events page.
What’s Happening & Where This Weekend!
Summer in the Park
The Inspire Lot Series
Parents’ Night Off at the Delaware Museum of Natural History
It may be called Parents’ Night Off, but let’s be honest… it’s really for the kids! This event’s theme is “Summer Fun!” Experiments, movies, games, arts and crafts, and other activities mean there’s something for everyone ages 5-10. Includes dinner for campers.
Wilmington Art Loop | Art on the Town
Big Wheel Race for Breast Cancer 2016
Take a Bite Out of Breast Cancer @ The Starboard- fun for kids of all ages. Obstacle course & drag race, best decked big wheel contest, auction and Bryen O’Boyle on the deck starting at 2pm!
7th Annual Delaware KIDS Fund 5K
Bellefonte Brewery Meets NQC Cuban BBQ Dinner
North Quarter Creole (NQC) is teaming up with Bellefonte Brewery for an epic night of Cuban BBQ, drinks, and fun! Expect delicious homemade Cuban BBQ with a Creole crossover matched with some great local beer, sangria, and Cuban Mojitos.
Night at the Museum & Overnight Star Party
Rhett Miller

Jamaican Independence Day
Break free of the oppressive summer heat — like Jamaica did as a newly independent nation from the United Kingdom back on August 6, 1962. Enjoy a festive day with food and drink specials.
Steamin’ Days at Auburn Heights
Summer Concert Series in Bellevue State Park
Bring a picnic and a blanket and join us at the band shell to enjoy our free Summer Concert Sunday, August 7 :: Jah People — Root Rock Reggae Philly Style.
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