Time is flying, some kids are back in school and others are preparing. It’s like we blinked our eyes and the summer break was over! The good news is we’ll start to appreciate our weekends even more. Make the most of your weekend by planning ahead. Check out our top event picks for Friday, August 19- Sunday, August 21. From kids day at the Farmers Market to the Blue Rocks final home game with Cowboy Monkey Rodeo & post game fireworks and from Anime Day to the Delaware Burger Battle, there’s plenty to do in North Delaware and slightly beyond this weekend!
Remember, this is just a TEASE, check out a full listing of events on the NorthdelaWHEREhappening.com calendar of events page.
What’s Happening & Where This Weekend!
Glasgow Park Farmers Market- Kids Day
Blue Rocks vs. Myrtle Beach Pelicans

Anime Day at the Art Studio is a family-friendly, bento box-sized, anime and manga convention! Meet local manga artists, vendors, workshops, anime screenings, games, costume play (“cosplay”), Japan Crate raffle, and more!
Bellanca Airfield Open House
Delaware Burger Battle

The day features sumptuous Indian food, exquisite collections of jewelry and ethnic clothes, cultural pageants, and foot-stomping Bollywood dances.
Stay later in the evening to watch the amazing Bhangra and Garba Night perform traditional Indian dances.
Summer Concert Series in Bellevue State Park
The final concert of the summer!
Bring a picnic and a blanket and join us at the band shell to enjoy our free Summer Concert with
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