Mother-Son-loveFrom A Son to His Mother


To someone who means so much
More than any words could ever say
Someone who has influenced me
In every possible way

To someone who means so much
Who taught me right from wrong
Whose kind voice stays in my mind
Like the words to a favorite song

To someone who means so much
Who I could never possibly repay
Whose love, encouragement and wisdom
Is something I hold close to me everyday

To someone who means so much
Who watched this boy grow to be a man
One thing will never change mom
I will always be your biggest fan

The author of this poem has chosen to remain anonymous to you, but we know him very well. This North Delawarean transplant said,  “I wrote this poem to my mom when I was just 24 years old and missing her on her birthday (hard to believe it’s been that long!!!) It was just a simple rhyme scheme I put together while thinking about my mom, nothing elaborate.  However, the words still hold true for a son who loves his mother and everything she represents in his life.”