Happy, Healthy & Terrific Guide — to health, wealth and happiness


 What I'm Thankful For This Year... MOM & DAD, This One's for YOU! By: Carrie Sawyer Casey  During the holidays, my Dad usually brings up Thanksgiving twenty or so years ago when I was a  moody teenager.  I refused to take part in my Mom's tradition of going around the table and stating to adoring [...]


 A Life Long Journey of Self Discovery & Joy… THANK YOU YOGA! By Maria DiCamillo There are many things in my life for which I am thankful, and one of the most significant is the opportunity to be a student of yoga and to teach yoga to many people in my community. Yoga is personal [...]

NDH D4C Making Strides

NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com Team Dash 4 the Cure raised more than $2,600 and ranked #24 of 346 teams on Sunday, October 21st in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides 5k Walk to Fight Breast Cancer on the Wilmington Riverfront. Meet the Team! Proudly, we embraced our "Fight Like A Girl" custom T-shirts - 26 LOCAL men, women and children. walked and 15 raised funds.  A [...]

Every Life Has A Story…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month occurs every October. Shall we call it Pinktober? You might debate that yes, yes, we are well aware of breast cancer and the risks. Whether we have fought it ourselves or watched a mother, sister, aunt, friend or coworker struggle, this modern world knows about breast cancer. But did you realize that hundreds [...]

The Ultimate PINK Fight!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month It’s that time of the year where the Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon and the color PINK begin infiltrating our everyday both online and offline – in restaurants, grocery stores, clothing stores, even hardware stores and football – some promising to donate a portion of the proceeds, others building awareness and early detection [...]

Happening Kids~Jason & Gianna Arnao

We at NorthDelaWHEREhappening.com are so very honored to spotlight Middletown’s own, Jason & Gianna Arnao, as our Happening Kids Dynamic Brother & Sister Duo! At just 8 & 6 years old, Jason & Gianna are inspiring excellence and achieving big dreams. They have made it their personal childhood mission to teach other children throughout the Middletown [...]

Local Harvest | Farmer’s Markets

As we wrap up June, what better way to celebrate – without guilt or remorse – June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month! So much so, we thought it most appropriate to spotlight some of the great, open-air, fresh and LOCAL Harvests.  Those scrumptious Farmer’s Markets in North Delaware! Indulge. Real food. Real LOCAL.     […]

Walking the WALK

 Get Out & Get Y’ur Walk On! The WALK-ing buzz is on! The Apprentice & Walgreens are shining a light on WALK awareness & making it happen.  Get Inspired. We promise, you won’t get fired by us! Walk for a Cause. Walk for Fun. Walk for your Health. Walk with your family. Walk with your friends. Walk with yourself [...]

Shake Shake Shake…

Shake Shake Shake…Shake Your Booty It’s March, can you believe its just a few weeks from Spring!  It’s time to start thinking about trimming down for the summer.  Start the 90 day Challenge from Visalus and transform that “Booty”  by June!  They have a delicious and nutritious line of shakes and vitamin packages for you to [...]