Happy, Healthy & Terrific Guide — to health, wealth and happiness


THE ROAD TO HAPPY, HEALTHY & TERRIFIC MUSINGS OF AN ETHICIST -CHELSEA SWITZER Throughout my life I have often felt like a coin – delicately, and perhaps impossibly, balanced on it’s narrow spine. With the subtlest of movements a coin can flip to one side, only one half of visible. The other half remains hidden, [...]

2013 Beach Road Trip!

Ready for some Beach Life? You don’t want to miss our 4 Southern Delaware Road Trip Beach Picks. Plus the 411 on the Eats, Sites and Events for this 2013 Memorial Day Weekend and beyond at the Delaware Beaches! Roll with us thru the treasures, secrets and fortunes of the First State. You might want to book mark [...]

Make the Kindest Cut of All

Thinking of a short cut? Got 8-10 inches? How often can you say your hair inspired someone in the purest way? Whether for children or adults, male or female, the opportunites are split endless. Thinking about donating? No better time than the present. Summer is a great time to sport the new short style. 8 to 10 inches is [...]

Happening Women – Liz Nicholson

Here at NDH, we are thrilled to honor and recognize Happening People, those native North Delawareans who have achieved DELebrity status – who are going above and beyond to push the personal and professional limits while positively influencing our communities. Our May 2013 honoree is one Happening Woman and Entrepreneur – Liz Coleman Nicholson.  Liz [...]


What Comes Up, Comes Out. MUSINGS OF AN ETHICIST -CHELSEA L. SWITZER STILLNESS IS THE MOVE I have a hard time sitting still. Even though I credit that very trait for my attraction to triathlon (just when you get sick of swimming, you bike! And just when you don’t want to bike anymore, you run!) [...]

Earth Day 2013 | Time to Mobilize & Face Climate Change

Get out and Get LOCAL this weekend…Every year on April 22nd, more than one billion people around the globe will participate in Earth Day 2013 and help Mobilize the Earth & Face Climate Change.  Across the globe, individuals, communities, organizations, and governments acknowledge the amazing planet we call home and take action to protect. Together we will [...]

The Starter Mom: Battle of the Baby Bulge

by Nicole Loughan FROM OVERWEIGHT BABY TO OVERWEIGHT AFTER BABY… My Life Long Battle Continues I can’t wait until I can be counted among the ranks of the overweight again. It is such an improvement over my current status as part of the obesity epidemic. I have been carrying extra weight since July 30th, 1980. I [...]