Happy, Healthy & Terrific Guide — to health, wealth and happiness

5 Tips to Navigate Fast Food Menus Like a Pro

Whether we like it or not, fast food plays a role in our lives. As children we think of greasy, salty meals obtained from the drive thru as a treat, but as we grow we (hopefully) learn to opt for veggies, whole grains and lean protein to both fill our stomachs and satisfy our palates.  [...]

Celebrate Happy Heart Month Guide

Celebrate. Educate. Care. Share. February is Heart Awareness Month.  A month dedicated to raising awareness and increasing knowledge about the prevention of heart disease – the #1 cause of death among men and women in the U.S.   It is the major cause of death for almost one in four people. It’s near and dear to us. Please educate yourself on [...]

UofD Student Alumni Ambassador Cookbook

Calling all UofD Students & Alumni! Here's your chance to unleash your inner chef with the University of Delaware Student Alumni Ambassadors! The Student Alumni Ambassadors (SAAs), a group of students selected by UD Alumni Relations to foster connections between alumni and students, are putting together a cookbook for Blue Hens and by Blue Hens. [...]

Celebrate Wear Red Day North Delaware!

Join Christiana Care Health System for Dine-out Friday, Feb. 1, Wear RED and your Heart will Thank You! LOCAL area restaurants are joining Christiana Care Health System to celebrate Wear Red Day, Friday, February 1. Wear RED and dine-in at one of the participating restaurants below to receive a FREE heart-healthy menu item of the restaurant's choice. Tell your server that [...]

A Lifesaving Opportunity X3!

Blood Bank of Delmarva UDee Mascot & Mascot Delmar at the CAA Blood Challenge When was the last time you had an opportunity to safe a life or three?  Giving Blood is just that and more. Be a hero. One blood donation can save up to 3 lives. We are amazed to know how many [...]

JUST DO IT! | Guide to Gym Memberships in North Delaware

To Gym or not to Gym, that is the age old New Year’s question, right?  It’s a personal choice without a doubt.  Need a little UMPH to help you decide? Whether you need and/or want to shed a few LBs, tone up or just get moving,  NorthDelaWHEREHappening.com can help. We’ve done the hardest work out for you -that is, collected the top LOCAL Gym Membership locations in North [...]

Workin’ Out at Work!

Consider the office the place you go to work and earn a living?  The biggest side effect of working in an office can be a body that gets out of shape - though that isn’t anyone’s intention.  When you are confined to a cubicle or office and desk chair for eight hours or more daily, some health & wellness [...]

Wilmington’s Finest Ice Hockey Game to Benefit the B+ Foundation

WILMINGTON POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENTS ANNOUNCE 1ST ANNUAL WILMINGTON'S FINEST ICE HOCKEY GAME On Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 5:30 p.m., the Wilmington Police and Fire Departments will play their 1st annual Wilmington’s Finest Ice Hockey game in support of the B+ Foundation. The B+ Foundation was founded after Salesianum High School student, Andrew McDonough, passed [...]


I’m A Millionaire! -Denise Michelle Sisofo I’m Thankful for… SECOND CHANCES  By: Denise Michelle Sisofo I am thankful for second chances.  5 years ago I suffered a breakdown… mental and emotional… the details and the why are not important. What is important is that I was given the love, help & understanding from friends and [...]